So we’ve had one set of birthdays in the caravan, it’s time for the other set! We’ve been in the caravan long enough now that each of us has celebrated a birthday while we’ve been living in it. LadyBug turned six while we were in Kununurra! That lovely purple camping chair was one of her presents. She had long outgrown the little kiddie-sized one she’d had until now. Her hair was wet because she’d gone for a swim while I wrapped her presents and decorated the van. Like many 6yo girls she is a Frozen fan and had been asking for a nightgown for awhile. (Nice photobomb, JitterBug! He looks deep in thought, he must be contemplating why boys don’t get to wear nightgowns.)
LadyBug had great fun making her birthday cake. Pink icing and sprinkles galore. She already had all the little ponies, we only had to add some colourful candles.
It was much less stressful for me, too. She did the icing and then I helped her with the bits of cake that weren’t covered. Then I turned her loose with the sprinkles. She decided where to place all the ponies and candles. She loved decorating it, and I loved that she loved it!
Somehow we started this cupcake tradition this year. It started with JitterBug’s minion cupcakes which I’d done just in case his cake hadn’t turned out. Since everything has to be perfectly fair among siblings that meant making cupcakes for all of them. LadyBug shared hers with some new friends and was thrilled when they sang happy birthday to her.
Can’t believe my girl is six!
A few days later it was SkeeterBug’s turn. He turned eleven while we were in Kununurra. We stayed a couple of days longer so that we wouldn’t be travelling on his birthday.
He only had a couple of presents because one was a big one (in a small package).
He got to do the make-your-own-cake thing too. Kit-kats and m&m’s galore! I had to hold myself back from trying to make it look perfect and just let him have fun with it. He did enjoy making it and I’m glad he had such fun, who wouldn’t with all that chocolate! He had cupcakes too, I can’t find any pictures of them.
Can’t believe my kiddo is eleven! I think that’s officially pre-teen, isn’t it? Ack!
After all these birthdays it was time to move on from hot, hot Kununurra and head toward the coast again. We were very much looking forward to some ocean breezes.
More Birthdays in the Caravan!
posted in: Western Australia
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