On the way back from the Pinnacles we stopped into Lake Thetis to have a look at the stromatolites. We saw a few roadsigns, which I keep taking pictures of. The town of Cervantes was named for a Spanish ship that wrecked off the coast once upon a time. I loved the sign on the way into town, it’s spaced very well so that you see a picture of the ship from a distance, then the signs separate as you get closer. There aren’t many places on earth that you can see stromatolites. They look like rocks, but the are really structures built by living micro-organisms and are referred to as ‘living fossils’. The structures make for interesting patterns. We’d seen some in Shark Bay (which hopefully I’ll get to post about one of these days), these were different shapes than the others we’d seen. The view across the lake. I guess all the stromatolites are just on the one side? There is a path to walk all the way around the lake if you wish to. I don’t know if this counts as a Big Thing, but we stopped for a picture with this fish sculpture on our way out of town. After Cervantes we were headed for Perth!
Lake Thetis and Cervantes
posted in: Western Australia
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