A Visit to the Drive-In Movies in Perth!

In Western Australia there are heaps of outdoor cinemas.  It seems that every town has one.  We found out that in Perth there was a good old-fashioned drive-in theatre that often plays family movies during school holidays.  We’d been comtemplating seeing the new Star Wars movie while in Perth but it was going to be pricey and we weren’t sure what to do about the younger two, it looked like Sean would be taking just the older boys.  We were … Read More

Our Australia Day in Margaret River

Several weeks ago I got some lovely Aussie temporary tattoos for the kids in anticipation of Australia Day.  I hid them away so they’d be a surprise.  Nearly a week past the holiday we still haven’t found them.  They’re in the van somewhere, they’ll show up eventually and we’ll have a nice surprise.  The day before the holiday I grabbed some of the yellow & green ones that were on sale so we survived.  (Yes, survived.  How do you survive … Read More

Halloween in the Caravan

Last year we were in America for Halloween.  The kids were beside themselves.  We went to some community event first, then to a friend’s neighbourhood for more trick or treating, complete with a visit from a headless horseman.  Since trick-or-treating isn’t really a thing here in Australia, I’d told the kids we’d dress up and do our own thing.  Then we found out that several of the other families staying in the caravan park were planning to trick-or-treat.  So then … Read More