Cape Bruny Lighthouse, Tasmania

  Last year when we visited Bruny Island we made sure to visit South Bruny National Park to see the Cape Bruny Lighthouse.  When we visited it was cold and windy.  There was a lighthouse museum so I opted to stay there out of the cold while Dad braved the path for a better look. When the lighthouse was first lit in 1838 it was Australia’s fourth lighthouse.  It’s now the country’s second oldest lighthouse according to the Parks & … Read More

Bruny Island Berry Farm

A flashback from Tasmania last March when we were on Bruny Island.  There’s a map in this post that shows where we were. There are a few berry picking farms in Tasmania, enough that there’s even a lovely tourist brochure highlighting them all for you. We decided to save our berry picking adventures for Bruny Island where we visited…are you ready?…the aptly named Bruny Island Berry Farm.  This could possibly be the best berry farm location ever.  Right across from … Read More

Bruny Island: The Neck

The north and south ends of Bruny Island come together in a spectacular isthmus.  A rather large set of steps awaits any who want to climb up and see the stunning view. We counted on the way back down and there were over two hundred steps.  Look how narrow this strip of land is.  Ocean on one side… And ocean on the other.  It really feels like a unique spot. There’s a memorial to Truganini, and a nearby sign that … Read More

Captain Cook Monuments

All over Australia we are seeing references to Captain Cook.  He’s pretty important in Australia’s history in terms of discovery, being an explorer and all.  😉 Growing up I was always told that he is an ancestor of my father’s family, so the name always catches my eye.  There were a couple of monuments on Bruny Island with his name, so we stopped for a look.      This one made us laugh because it just seemed so odd.  Just a tall … Read More

The Walk To Grass Point

We knew we’d only have a couple of nights on Bruny Island, so after we set up camp we drove down to Adventure Bay to do the walk to Grass Point.  The kids were not too thrilled to be taking off so soon after we got there, they wanted the chance to explore the campsite.  The Grass Point walk is part of the Fluted Cape Walk in South Bruny National Park, which is one of the 60 Great Short Walks … Read More

Catching the Ferry to Bruny Island

Our next stop after exploring Hobart was Bruny Island.  We were all looking really forward to this.  Before staying in Snug we had spent a couple of nights in Triabunna with the intention of visiting Maria Island.  (Which is pronounced muh-RYE-uh.  Because we are in Australia and they like to do their own thing when it comes to pronunciation.)  When we got there we decided it was just not in our budget, it cost too much for a day-trip for … Read More

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