Bike Ride Around Uluru

The trail at the base of Uluru is about 10.5km long.  There was no way we were going to be able to walk that with all of our kids, so we opted to take our bikes.  The trail is not at all strenuous and most people we saw that day were walking with just a few others on bikes.  The kids were anxious to touch Uluru, they’d been asking if they’d be able to before we even got there.  So … Read More

Aboriginal Rock Art at Split Rock

Does this count as a roadsign for my collection?  Not exactly what you think of as Australian animals, but we see a lot of these signs!  So far up this way we’ve seen wandering cattle, but no sheep yet. After Cooktown we spent a night in nearby Lakeland so that we could make a quick visit over to Laura to see the Aboriginal rock art at Split Rock.  (I never know whether I’m supposed to capitalise Aboriginal, I see it … Read More