All the birthdays in our family fall in the second half of the year. The first three birthdays are weeks apart. TurboBug was up first, turning two. We were on the Sunshine Coast for his birthday. We did our best to make the day special for him. We decorated the caravan while Dad took him for a walk. We know how much 2yo’s love balloons, so we surprised him with plenty of balloons to play with when he returned.
Look at that photobomb! A new book, ‘Who Sank the Boat?’. See the red shirt he’s got on? That was a new Thomas the Train shirt and he wanted to wear it immediately!
Another photobomb and a new stuffed wombat. Every souvenir shop we would go to it seemed that TurboBug would latch onto the stuffed wombats. One memorable time in Tasmania he was quite upset at having to put it back on the shelf. So it seemed like the perfect gift. It’s not quite as important to him as his bear, though.
His new truck. This was worth climbing on the table for.
A train cake for my train-loving boy.
A couple of very loooooooooong weeks later, we celebrated JitterBug’s eighth birthday. He could barely wait, he was so excited. We’d been telling him for ages that for his next birthday we’d be at the top of Australia somewhere. We ended up celebrating his birthday while we were in Cooktown.
TurboBug did not understand why he didn’t get to open JitterBug’s presents. Last time we had presents they were all for him to open!
My boys are sooo into Star Wars. Now they’ve made the various characters into Hot Wheels. I can’t believe they didn’t think of this decades ago. This is one of JitterBug’s favourite characters. He also got some new Lego Technic sets.
I was happy when he said he wanted a minion cake. That I could do! I didn’t bring cake decorating supplies with me so my cake abilities are limited right now. But a minion I knew we could figure out how to do. We made it to match his lovely minion, he was happy with it.
We even did the banana-flavoured cupcakes that come in a kit from the supermarket. They tasted better than we thought they would! They were my backup in case of a cake fail. 🙂
Then a couple of weeks later it was Dad’s turn. He was turning, um, another year older.
The kids very much enjoyed helping with the brownies we made for him.
C’mon Dad, give us a proper smile.
That’s better.
The anticipation on TurboBug’s face. Brownies with chocolate frosting? With ice cream? Yes, please.
That’s half of us down, half to go!
Birthdays in the Caravan!
posted in: Life in a Caravan, Queensland
More Birthdays in the Caravan! – How Many More Minutes?
[…] we’ve had one set of birthdays in the caravan, it’s time for the other set! We’ve been in the caravan long enough now […]
Bruny Island Berry Farm – How Many More Minutes?
[…] So that means four months later we were on the Sunshine Coast in QLD, since that’s where we celebrated his birthday!] We did find a few berries here and there, they grow many different kinds on the farm. I […]