Look! A cassowary crossing roadsign!! Southern cassowaries live in a very small region of the Queensland coast, so this was pretty much my only chance to get this one. We weren’t lucky enough to spot any cassowaries in the wild but we did get to see (and feed!) some when we visited Townsville (post to come!). In Kuranda is a placed called BatReach. We were really hoping to visit but they were closed when we arrived. Their website (which has now changed designs, they must be upgrading) said they’d be open so we were quite disappointed. We actually had trouble finding the place. Most of the attractions had signs pointing the way but this one had none. We had to go to the visitor information centre for directions. Though they were closed we were still able to peak through the fence.
I find bats fascinating. BatReach cares for both megabats and microbats. We could see megabats hanging outside, some inside the cages and some on the outside. These bats looked huge! So often they are way up in the trees and you don’t get to see them at eye-level.
Lots of hidden gems in this town. Did I mention it’s surrounded by rainforest? We arrived too late in the day for a proper look around the whole town. There are nature walks, and a waterfall, and plenty of other tourist attractions.
I fell in love with this artwork. It was near the toilets in the centre of town so we had the opportunity to view it more than once. (Kids need toilets every time you pass them!) There are animals hidden all over in this painting, we gazed at it for awhile exclaiming each time we found another one.
Then there was the one of the Mareeba Shire, I hadn’t realised the shire extended this far. Lots of things hiding in this one also.
A glimpse of the skyrail. I had really hoped to take the kids on this, but seriously, it would have cost over two hundred dollars to ride the skyrail up and down, or more than three hundred to do the skyrail one way and the train the other way. Really? I’m sure it’s a memorable experience but for that price the tickets should be gold. So we gazed at it from the car and I assured the kids we’d find another one to ride someday.
One more stop in Kuranda…
Trip to Kuranda Village (Cairns)
posted in: Queensland
Australian Venom Zoo in Kuranda (Cairns) – How Many More Minutes?
[…] we were trying to find BatReach in Kuranda we walked by the Australian Venom Zoo. We were accosted invited to come inside and […]