While we were in Shepparton we had to visit Belstack Strawberry Farm to do some picking. They also have a nice little shop and tearoom, and even miniature golf (which we didn’t do). {Please pardon some of the picture effects I used in this post, I like to play around with them sometimes.} Picking strawberries was pure bliss for this little guy. There was no stopping him from eating them straight off the plant. It was a hot day. The strawberries were actually pretty sparse because they’d had a lot of visitors lately. They told us that in about three or four weeks’ time a different patch would be ready for picking and the strawberries would be abundant.
It was more like a treasure hunt and the kids were off to see who could find the biggest strawberry.
Nearby was a shed with garlic hanging from the roof. We ducked in for some shade.
We had such fun here, definitely worth a stop if you are in Shepparton!
Shepparton: Belstack Strawberry Farm
posted in: Victoria
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