Look at this! A more current post! From this month! While we were in Geelong a couple of weeks ago we headed out to Torquay to the beach. First we had a look at Bells Beach, a famous surfing beach. It was quite a hike from the carpark down to the beach, and the water was slightly rough so we decided to move on. Can’t imagine hiking down all those stairs (or back up!) with the kids and all our beach gear. We ended up at Torquay Surf Beach, right in front of the Torquay Life Saving Club. It was Saturday, and it was hot, so it was crowded. This is one of the busiest beachfronts in Victoria. We usually opt for a weekday trip to the beach and we’ve never been to one so crowded. This probably isn’t too bad, I’m sure they have busier days than this!
TurboBug (19 months old) was happy as could be with his shovel and bucket. He consented to wear his hat the whole time we were there. Amazing.
This is the view toward the end of the beach, before the tide came in. We saw many people walking past us down to the end of the beach to explore the area. We never made it down there and it was not quite so accessible once the tide came in.
The kids were too busy building sand castles, boogie boarding, and playing, playing, playing.
TurboBug and his bucket…I helped him fill it up probably twenty times. We’d fill it up and he’d attempt to dump it in one of the holes they’d dug, but toddlers don’t exactly aim well. Mostly he dumped the water on himself!
The tide came in while we were there. We had to move all our towels and things up the beach a couple of times. The kids busied themselves digging holes and seeing how long it was before they filled up.
Ladybug (5) did her own kind of boogie boarding. She’d lay on her board on the sand and wait for the waves to come to her. Then she’d kick like mad and see how far she’d get.
I promise this one enjoyed this more than it seems from the look on his face! He knew just what to do, he’d climb on the board and hold on. He didn’t seem to mind when a wave would wash over him. He’d have a go anytime somebody offered. My little surfer! 🙂
This beach was excellent for boogie boarding, and the later we stayed the more surfboards we saw. They scared me a bit weaving in and out of people. Here’s a view from Dad’s boogie board. He was out there more than the kids!!! Gorgeous kid. What a smile.
TurboBug got braver over the course of the afternoon. Usually he gets close to the water then turns and runs when the waves come in. Here he planted himself in one spot and didn’t move when the water came up around him.
We noticed rain clouds moving in so after more than four hours we decided to pack it all up and head back to the car. Perfect timing, as we walked up the beach we heard thunder then it started to rain right as we reached the car. It had rained a bit while we were on the beach, but I’m glad we weren’t still there when it was pouring. This beach had such nice waves and a shallow entrance, perfect for kids.
Torquay Surf Beach
posted in: Victoria
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