A Quick Stop at the Geelong Cats Stadium

posted in: Victoria

A flashback from way back in February… Ahhh, footy.  The odd role you play in our family. Here we are happily driving through Geelong when what should appear before us? Geelong Cats Stadium | How Many More Minutes? The stadium.  The Geelong Cats stadium.  LadyBug was beside herself.  [Side note: Everytime I look at this picture I am reminded of the guy just out of the shot.  He could tell I was trying to get a picture but was too busy talking on his phone to care that he was in the way!  Ergh.  Eventually we managed a shot without him in it.] Geelong Cats Stadium | How Many More Minutes? The cats won the grand final the year LadyBug was born.  The year we moved to Australia.  She was very excited by that.  She was destined to be a Cats fan. Geelong Cats Stadium | How Many More Minutes? There it is.  That one right behind her says 2009.  The only reason she is a Cats fan is because her pretty teenage cousin is one.  So it must be the best team!  Never mind Dad’s team.  Or her brother’s.  Or her other brother’s.  Mum doesn’t have a team.  TurboBug won’t be getting a choice, he’ll barrack for Dad’s team, though he doesn’t quite know it yet.  Geelong Cats Stadium | How Many More Minutes? The others consented to a picture in front of the trophies.  I mean, trophies.  Definitely need a picture. Geelong Cats Stadium | How Many More Minutes? But it wasn’t long before their true feelings would show.  LadyBug made her best Cats face. (I know, but she’s five.  It’s her best ‘my footy team is better than yours’ face.) Geelong Cats Stadium | How Many More Minutes? No smiles from this Magpies fan. Geelong Cats Stadium | How Many More Minutes? None from this Bombers fan, either. Geelong Cats Stadium | How Many More Minutes? Their sister was less than impressed with her brothers.  But hey, she got to see the stadium and she’s been to her team’s town now.  Much excitement! Geelong Cats Stadium | How Many More Minutes? Later I found out there is a free AFL club song app.  The kids have enjoyed learning the songs for all the teams and teasing each other by changing the words to their team’s song.  Great fun.  We get tv reception most places we go so we are still able to watch the occasional game.  I’m tempted to choose a fifth team to drive the kids crazy, or to side with LadyBug just to bug the boys!  😉

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