And then life happens again.

The unthinkable has happened and I’ve lost my father too.  My parents died just seventeen days apart.  Please forgive my absence awhile longer. This is my dad with JitterBug about seven years ago. And this is them again, just last month. We are here in America, sorting through all the things that need to be sorted through and dealing with all the things that need to be dealt with. I was lucky to be able to spend time with both … Read More

And then life happens.

You can make the grandest plans, but there’s always something, isn’t there?  Sometimes the things that get in the way are small.  Sometimes they are big.  Right now we are in the midst of one of the big things. We returned from our travels around Australia and soon found ourselves on a plane to visit my family in the USA.  I’ve had the grandest plans to get my new website, Simply Copywork, up and going.  To start blogging here again, … Read More

So I haven’t been blogging…

I haven’t been blogging because I’ve been working on something else.  Once that’s up and running (this month!) I’ve got to do some work on my homeschool blog and get that going again.  After that I plan to keep blogging here until I’ve covered all the wonderful places we’ve been.  We plan to be home and done with our trip in a few weeks. Blogging here will keep the memories alive while we adjust to being stationary again.  See you … Read More

Birds and a Train in Pemberton

Our stay in Pemberton included visits from some lovely parrots looking for a handout.  These are Twenty-Eight Parrots, so named for their call that sounds like they are saying ‘twenty-eight’.  I think they are also known as Ringnecks.  The kids had a wonderful time feeding them when they showed up one afternoon. TurboBug (2.5) surprised me by remaining calm and even smiling for the camera.  Past experiences with birds landing on him have not gone so well!  The next morning … Read More

Marlston Tower & the Bunbury Lighthouse

My WA posts have gotten all out of order.  I’ve discovered that it’s better for me at the moment to just post what I’ve got ready rather than try to keep everything in the order that we’ve seen it.  Otherwise I tend to get stuck on a post and don’t move forward.  So the rest of these WA post are just going to be jumping around a bit.  The only problem is I’m getting confused about what I’ve posted and … Read More

The Yeagarup Sand Dunes

Not too far from Pemberton are some sand dunes that are just begging to be climbed.  We picked a lovely afternoon for visit.  We’ve been loving the weather since we left Perth, it’s felt like autumn while we are still in summer.  We expected to be in the heat a lot longer than this so it’s been a welcome change. First we had a quick look at the lake and pondered this jetty. There was a nearby sign warning against … Read More

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