On the way to Mulambin we made a quick stop in the town 1770. I’ve always been curious about the town but it has always been soooo far away on the map. But suddenly we were nearby! We decided to stop in for a quick look. The town is called 1770 after the year that Captain Cook landed there. It was the first place he landed in Queensland. It turned out to be a holiday spot. A beautiful one. If you ever visit and choose to stay in a caravan park, choose the one furthest up the peninsula. (If you zoom in on the map, you’ll see 1770 is at the end of a small peninsula.) It’s right on the beach. Right on the beach. As we made our way along the beach to the cairn we were walking right past campers. It looked lovely.
It wasn’t far to the cairn marking where Captain Cook landed on the 24th of May 1770.
Such a simple monument for such a momentous occasion. So momentous they named the town after the date it happened!
I’m not even sure Cook came ashore here, it just says he landed here. One of the signs above says Joseph Banks came ashore, though, and collected various plant species. Can you imagine how fun that must have been for him? As a botanist, to see all these new plants would have been so exciting.
Such a peaceful spot, it looked like a great place for a holiday. We were here in winter and all the caravan parks were full. Mostly Victorians trying to escape the cold, probably!
See the name on the ‘ship’ in the playground? 🙂
After a good play we were back in the car. Since we had a long car ride that day (we’d started near Bundaberg) we let the kids watch a movie in the car. That’s a rare treat for them, though we have a dvd player in the car we don’t use it much. We want them to look out he window occasionally. TurboBug does exceptionally well in the car so we are able to do four hours a day or so without too much trouble. Four hours doesn’t sound like much, but include packing up the van at the beginning of the day and setting up at the end and it makes for a long day. Nothing like when I was at uni and my roommate and I drove more than twenty hours across America all at once!
Town of 1770
posted in: Life in a Caravan
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