Whoever has been hiking with young kids knows that the time estimates don’t apply. I’m not sure how long this walk was for us, but it was definitely more than two hours. We really didn’t know what to expect as we set off. I was a bit afraid of getting eaten by mosquitoes as there had been many at the carpark. We started off on this somewhat narrow trail through the bush.
It very quickly led to the beach. We were surprised to find that this walk goes right along the beach in many places. Best. walk. ever.
More rocks than sand in some places. The trail weaved in and out and over whatever was there.
It was absolutely stunning. The weather was perfect.
Finally the path strayed from the coast.
When we again emerged we found ourselves scrambling (carefully) over the rocky coastline.
At the end was this rather nondescript pole. Probably a light, I don’t remember for sure. Perfect place for a snack before exploring.
I have so many pictures from this walk I’ll have to do a second post!
FIshers POint Walk, part one
posted in: Tasmania
Fishers Point Walk, part two – How Many More Minutes?
[…] Best walk ever, along the coast in Tasmania, as far as south as you can go. Part one is here. There was a giant pile of rocks at the end of the walk. It begged to be climbed. We walked around […]