A few minutes south of the Tessellated Pavement is a blowhole which I believe is part of the Tasman National Park. It turned out to be a popular spot, so popular that there’s even a fish and chips spot there. This is actually away from the beach, the water has tunnelled through and apparently you can see the water reach up to eight metres. Not so much on the day we went. The view looking out to the ocean, see how far we are from the water? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a blowhole away from the water like this one. While we were waiting for more waves the kids entertained themselves. Next we made our way down to the Tasman Arch and the Devil’s Kitchen lookouts. There were several lookouts all in the same area, and unfortunately I don’t remember what these first few pictures are. This is the Tasman Arch. It seems to be shaped like Tasmania, just like the Remarkable Cave. And here’s our favourite koala… More gorgeous Tasmanian coastline! And a cute toddler who really enjoyed the puddles. This is the Devil’s Kitchen, which is impossible to get a good picture of, or even see very well. But the view looking the other way is nice. We pretty much had to stop at every puddle! What a cutie. We were nearly overrun by school kids at these lookouts, plenty who were clearly not interested in what they were seeing. We’d just get ahead of them but in our lingering over the views they’d catch up to us every time. You can tell by the way we were dressed that our time on the Tasman Peninsula was a bit cold! By this time it was officially autumn and our beach days were over.
The Tasman Peninsula
posted in: Tasmania
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