Yep, more pictures. Here’s parts one and two. The next time we went to the beach it was sunny. So beautiful! I came across this sand castle that some other family must have made. That’s Dad with TurboBug on the rock, watching the waves. TurboBug was cuddling close because of the wind. Before I took this a giant wave crashed right next to them and the spray went higher than them. The riptide was so, so strong. We didn’t let the kids get in more than ankle deep. That’s St Helens in the background. All the houses there seem to have beautiful views of the ocean. The sand was made up of large, coarse grains. It’s hard to describe and this picture really can’t show what it felt like. It was unique to the area, I haven’t felt quite the same texture anywhere else. The Perfect Sandcastle, by SkeeterBug. Many of the camping spots in this campground have a view of the water, but we opted for this one in the shade. Possums are definitely not shy. This tree was right next to our door and this wasn’t the only possum we saw. They will come right onto the mat looking for food. We even got some school done while we were here! And finally that concludes our selection of pictures from the Bay of Fires!
Bay of Fires, Tasmania: part three!
posted in: Tasmania
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