Moving. Again.

For the kids, moving out of our house is a mostly an adventure.  Packing up our stuff, playing in the truck, seeing the rooms empty. There’s a lot of talk amongst the kids about when we live in a house again.  Can we move back into this house?  [Heavens, no!] Can we each have our own bedroom? [Um, a five bedroom house?  Probably not.]  Will we be able to paint the walls?  [I sure hope so, but anything will be … Read More

Best drawings ever!

A few weeks before we moved out of our house, Jitterbug (7) created these pictures.  I just love them.  The airplane below represents the first part of our journey, our trip to America.  All of us are in the plane, plus a pilot.  See that red one with the smile on his face?  That’s Jitterbug.  🙂   This drawing is the next part of our journey.  Our car towing a caravan.  Our car is a gold-ish colour, and our caravan … Read More